公司聘请国内外具有丰富产品创新经验的研发人员(研发总监有十多年德国、意大利餐饮行业经验,多年米其林餐厅经验),可提供菜单策划 、产品开发、产品标准化指导等。
公司拥有一支优秀的销售团队,在世界百强食品企业拥有多年工作经验。 我们不仅可以将国内产品销往海外,还可以协助海外客户将产品销往中国,实现立足本土市场、连接国内外客户的商业模式。
Technical director 01
The technical director is generally responsible for the construction and maintenance of the technology management system of an enterprise. He has a deep understanding of technology and business, and has accurate judgment of the industry technology development trend and management status quo.
Technical director 02
The technical director is generally responsible for the construction and maintenance of the technology management system of an enterprise. He has a deep understanding of technology and business, and has accurate judgment of the industry technology development trend and management status quo.
Technical director 03
The technical director is generally responsible for the construction and maintenance of the technology management system of an enterprise. He has a deep understanding of technology and business, and has accurate judgment of the industry technology development trend and management status quo.